As a Season Sponsor, your company will receive prominent placement and recognition of your support within all of our promotional materials throughout the entire year. (Fall 2024-Summer 2025)
Season Sponsor Benefits:
- 2 Season Passes
- 10 Tickets good for any MainStage performances this season.
- 1 Full Page ad in all 4 MainStage production programs
- Minimum of 44 performances, estimated reach of 9,000-12,000 audience
- members
- Business Listing with Logo in Season Brochure
- Logo placement with link on Bay Street Players website
- Logo placement with link within promotional emails for each MainStage production
- Recognition on ticket and season pass purchase confirmation emails throughout the
- season
- 1 dedicated Shout out post on both Facebook and Instagram per MainStage production
- Recognition of your support during curtain speech
- Recognition on Season Sponsor signage in the Lobby for the duration of the season
- Invitations to select events and celebrations throughout the season
- Private behind-the-scenes tour of the historic theater
- BONUS: Recognition as a sponsor throughout the additional 50th Season Celebration promotional messaging and collateral.
*MainStage refers to the five official season shows. This does not include Young People’s Theatre performances, other Bay Street Players events or shows, or performances presented by a third party.